- Chapters
Prototype [7/7]
Playtest Insights
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Let's discover the 16 players playtest insights I summarized.
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Playtest insight #1
Difficulty level & depth
Difficulty level & depth
⚔ Lack of challenge:
While our target audience: casual retro gaming fans expect short sessions, they highlighted that the session was too easy,
too short and lacked depth.
⏱ Average playtime to complete the level: 13 sec.
Playtesters played 7 sessions on average.
Playtesters "quotes":
"We need smaller enemies & more enemies."
"Well, that was fast & easy, could we get more aliens spawning?"
"If I keep pressing 'space' I kill all aliens easily."
"If I shoot aliens on the left or right side, it gets easier, remaining aliens stay in the middle and don't move to each side of the screen."
Playtest insight #2
Gameplay frustrations
Gameplay frustrations
The ship collision box is too wide: "I get hit while the projectile is not touching my ship!"
The alien collision does not work: "I hit the alien and it does not disappear".
Playtest insight #3
Lack of User Feedback
Lack of User Feedback
Overall, the experience lacks feedback to the user.
Lack of IMMERSION and lack of INFORMATION.
"I lack feedback when I hit or get it. It is quite underwhelming. We need explosions!"
"Whether I win or lose, the end game is quite underwhelming. We need entertainment!"
"At times, I mix the alien missiles and my missiles as they look the same."
Playtest insight #4
Conclusion & Recommendations
Average playtest score:
The prototype worked well and was stable.
Playtesters are eager to see how the game will evolve and gave lots of feedback.
1/ The top priority for most playtesters is to fix the frustrations linked to collision boxes sizes.
2/ Focus on User Feedback: Most testers highlighted the need for explosions when we hit or get hit.
3/ More gameplay and depth is expected to be added during the production phase.
Feedback and players comments can be overwhelming or disappointing.
A good practice is to step back and to not take it personaly. Are you ok with that?
Please make sure to consult all cards.

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Prototype / Mission [6/7] part 2 completed