- validate our high level design, our planning assumptions and our core game loop.
- confirm our technology choices and test our development process & teamwork.
- confirm our ability to deliver quality as we will build and playtest a publishable demo.
- Chapters
PoC [1/4]
PoC Intro
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The Proof of Concept is a part of the Design Thinking process loop:
In our case, as we build a game, the PoC is also a "First Playable" version of our project.
A few projects push the "First Playable" version quality further to build a "First Publishable" version.
In this case, it means that the version should be able to be used to demo the game externally.
For SpacePlan, we will build it on top of the solid prototype built during Conception.
We will follow this process:
Design Thinking is USER CENTRIC:
To identify the PoC work, let's analyse the prototype playtest feedback we received at the end of Conception.
Build the puzzle in less than 3 min to get a bonus star
- Shooting needs a cooldown to force players to release the space bar.
- The collision box size is a major frustration.
- Explosions are a great form of feedback.
Great. From the tasks board, K6 built our PoC KANBAN for our 2 days Pre-Production time.
Luke tasks have a black border □
Ben tasks have a blue border □
Kira's tasks have an orange border □
Several tasks have dependencies and time is short, so communication and regular tests will be crucial.
moving till borders
cool down
for Ship
for Aliens
design & visual
design & visual
& Restart
& Feedback
spawns, moves, fires
with missile
PoC / Mission [1/4] completed